Jason Dobuler: a young screenplay writer


Jupiter High freshman Jason Dobuler won the Palm Beach Student Showcase of Films Screenwriting Award on April 5 for his screenplay “An Odorless Ordeal.”

“An Odorless Ordeal”  is a comedy about a shy, high school boy who lives in a society in which the sense of smell is forbidden. However, the boy discovers the truth about smell that  lies just under the duct tape  covering his nose.

Although he normally writes short stories, Dobuler’s positive response to the screenplay made him want to write more.

“What inspired me to write ‘An Odorless Ordeal’ [was] the same thing that has inspired pretty much anything I have ever written on my free time, which is to make my friends laugh,” Dobuler said.

When Dobuler has free time he enjoys to write, read and to be with his friends. His favorite book is “IT”, by Stephen King..

“In my free time I read, write and bike around my neighborhood in circles with my friends,” Dobuler said.

Getting out of his writing comfort zone pushed Dobuler to explore other genres, including screenplays.  He wanted to explore a new and fun way to communicate his ideas and depart from the more traditional writing that occured in school.

“I thought it would be fun to try and write in a way I wasn’t used to and also write something I could later collaborate with friends on by filming,” Dobuler said.