Warriors of Jupiter: Jill Plummer

Jill Plummer pictured teaching her class.

Jill Plummer is a beloved English teacher and colleague to hundreds who roam Jupiter High’s halls. Having taught at Jupiter for 18 years, she has become well acquainted with the people within the JHS community.

The 2021-22 school year will be Plummer’s last year of teaching at Jupiter High as she retires in the spring, but Plummer’s relationship with the Jupiter High community is far from over.

In fact, long after Plummer leaves her job here, she will still have a connection with JHS as a Jupiter alumnus from the Class of ‘72.

After graduating from Jupiter High in 1972, Plummer went off to college, where she majored in history. During her junior year, Plummer wondered what she would be able to do as a career as a history major, which steered her in the direction of teaching. 

“Originally my parents had suggested that I just get married,” Plummer said. “But I wanted to be able to take care of myself if need be.”

While she initially only wanted to teach History, she began to teach English as well. 

“I went for my first job, and it was like a package deal,” Plummer said. “You want the job teaching History, you also have to teach English.”

Eventually, Plummer was drawn back to Jupiter High.

“The friends and the feeling I had about Jupiter High School, it just felt like home,” Plummer said. “I have such a special attachment to JHS because my high school experience was so positive, and I just assumed that that same environment would be here.”

During her time teaching at Jupiter, Plummer has even taught some teachers here on campus, including Janine Jeffs, who is the chairperson of the 9th grade English department, and Graham Anderson, who teaches Social Studies.

“It is one of those special things about being a teacher, and there’s a nice connection knowing that they are on campus too,” Plummer said. “I look up to both of them.”

Jeffs, who had Plummer as a teacher during her sophomore year, looks up to Plummer as well and credits Plummer as the person who helped her get a job here at Jupiter towards the start of her career. 

“While I was student teaching, Mrs. Plummer was the person to let me know about the job opening here at JHS, and she helped me secure a position!” Jeffs said. 

“Mrs. Plummer is not only a mentor but also a life-long friend; she has always been my cheerleader for my accomplishments in education and adulting,” Jeffs said. “I wouldn’t be the person I am today without Mrs. Plummer in my life.” 

In the late 60s and early 70s, Plummer herself was a student at Jupiter High. Graduating in 1972, and this year marks the 50th year reunion of her class, as well as the 50th year that Plummer has been a part of JHS. 

As of 2019, Jupiter spans over 23 miles with a population of 64,565, but during Plummer’s time as a student, it was completely different. 

“When you got to Jonathan Dickinson State Park, it was like the Earth fell off,” Susan Brandt, JHS Class of ‘72, said. 

This school year (2021-2022), 3146 students are enrolled at Jupiter High, with about 750 students per grade or class. In contrast, Plummer’s graduating class, the Class of ‘72, only consisted of about 100 students. 

It’s because of her classes’ smaller size that Plummer and other members of the Class of ‘72 were able to form strong bonds and close friendships with one another.

“I’m so grateful our [class] was so small,” Plummer said. “I think that’s also what helps make possible the connections that we had.”

It’s these relationships with one another that became extremely important to Plummer and the Class of  ’72

“You have this bond but yet you feel so comfortable,” Plummer said. “You don’t have any airs because they really know who you are, especially when you know somebody for 50 years and plus.” 

At class reunions, which happen every five years or so for their class, Plummer feels as if she has traveled back in time. 

“You feel like you’re in high school again,” Plummer said.

Pam Hutchinson, another member of the Class of ‘72 and JHS alumni, agrees with Plummer, noting how reunions with her class take her back. 

“It’s truly like 18 year-olds just running around and seeing each other,” Hutchingson said. “I really don’t feel like I’m 67 years old in my mind. I know my body is a different thing, but in my mind, I’m just happy and so very grateful to have the people from my life in that class.”

While Plummer’s 50 years at JHS are extremely impressive, it is the impact she had on the people around her and the relationships created that make her legacy memorable.