Warriors of Jupiter: Graham Anderson

Graham Anderson is an Advanced Placement and Pre-AICE World History teacher, who is now dedicating his time to teach AP European History, which hasn’t been taught in over a decade at Jupiter High.

Anderson is a Chicago native who moved to Jupiter at the start of high school. He graduated in 2008 at Jupiter High with a 32 class rank. He furthered his education at the University of North Florida, where he decided to become a teacher. 

“I love helping people, I love guiding them, mentoring them and helping them figure out what they want to do with their life. I also love history,” Anderson said. 

Although Anderson is only in his third year of teaching, he has already started changing people’s lives for the better. 

“Before this year, I struggled in history and his class made it easier to understand and  follow along. I’ve been getting better grades than ever,” Madison Vetere, freshman Pre-AICE student, said.

Anderson continues to form bonds with his classes despite being a young teacher at Jupiter High.  

“He makes a connection with all of his students,” Phoenix Gulick, freshman AP World student, said. “He’s someone that you can just count on and you know that he’s gonna be there.” 

With the unpredictability of the world we live in today, history is always changing. 

“It is very important to study history because of the ability to understand what’s happening in the world today. We can apply so many things that have happened in the past as lessons in understanding today’s world,” Anderson said. 

AP European History is a course described as a mixture of art, culture and travel in Europe.

AP European History is the study of the cultural, economic, political and social developments that have shaped Europe from c. 1400 to the present,” Anderson said. “It is a deep examination of all-things-’Europe,’ providing knowledge from every facet of European society.” 

As course selection sheets are being filled out, AP European is on top of the radar for many rising sophomores, juniors and seniors. Anderson is said to be the perfect teacher for the job. 

“I feel like he’d be a really good fit for it. It’s something I’ve actually thought about working into my classes,” Gulick said. “I think European history is very interesting especially for someone who wants to travel.” 

Anderson continues to create a nurturing teaching and learning environment for all students who pass through his doors. As class selection reigns over the school, Anderson is eager to teach his new class in the coming years.  

“Everybody should take AP European history,” Vetere said. “Mr. Anderson is a great teacher.”