Seniors Eliana Cohn and Ty Lambertt were announced as Jupiter High’s 2024-2025 Career Technical Education (CTE) Student of the Year in their respective programs.
Cohn, Florida Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) vice president assisting District 8, was nominated for the 24-25 CTE award by DECA advisor, Jessica Levitsky.
“I was a little shocked, I had no idea Mrs. Levitsky had nominated me,” Cohn said. “It was really cool to be awarded like this and felt like a huge award for all of my work in career and technical programs throughout high school.”
Cohn has competed in various categories throughout her four years in DECA.
“We compete at the district, state and international level. This year I’m competing with a 20 page manual on a sports management workshop I ran this past September at JHS,” Cohn said. “There are so many different kinds of competition so there is something for everyone. We also hold socials with our members to connect, mock completions, community service events and leadership conferences.”
CTE students are selected for showcasing leadership, community service and academic achievement as academy course leaders.
“Eliana is a person who gives her all to everything she commits to. She is a student who truly believes in excelling in all that she does, and focuses on the quality of the impact she can make in the world,” Levitsky said. “Eliana is not afraid to take charge and lead, but she does it so gracefully, and has a kindness and empathy toward everyone she works with.”
Cohn has been in DECA since her freshman year, building friendships and connections throughout the DECA CTE program.
“Join a CTE program if you’re not in one, they can be life changing,” Cohn said. “I’ve had the coolest experiences being in DECA and especially being a state officer and having met all of my best friends.”
Ty Lambertt, JHS Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) Cadet Lieutenant Colonel, also received the CTE award for his leadership in JROTC.
“Cadet LTC Ty Lambertt earned over two hundred and seventeen hours of community service and volunteer experience cumulatively in JROTC totaling over four hundred during the last 300 years. He has participated in Open House Recruitment, Cadet of the Month Board, Summer Camp, Military Ball and several parades,” Federico Dottin, JHS JROTC advisor, said. “In addition to all he has accomplished, he has been able to maintain a perfect attendance with JROTC.”
Lambertt, who has been a member in the JROTC program for the past four years, has developed passion for the program and all it offers.
“Some of my favorite things about the program is how it helps me improve as a person, just my self esteem and confidence. I also love that that program is a learning ground where even if you mess up it’s not the end of the world and we work together to fix things instead of tearing someone down,” Lambertt said. “I’ve also made some of my closest friendships in this program and got to learn and experience some amazing things.”
Along with making friends, Lambertt has been able to grow as a leader, leading him to receive the CTE award.
“In JROTC you get the opportunity to have power. This program gives you the opportunity to lead and be responsible not only for yourself but others. This program teaches you basic human skills like communication, teamwork, finance, planning, first aid and so much more,” Lambertt said. “When I found out I was selected to be student of the year I was obviously excited, but also thankful the people took the time out of their day to recognize me and the hard work I put into the program.”
Lambertt advises students who wish to join JROTC to join for the opportunities it brings.
“Anyone who is thinking of joining [JROTC] remember the more you do, the more you get. Join teams, step up and take charge, make friends and just make the best of everything,” Lambertt said. “Always give it 110 percent no matter how small or big it is.”