No-Shave November


Junior David Jakubiak shows off his facial hair after no shave November. Photo by Juliette Day

Every year, Jupiter High teachers and students participate in No-Shave November, also known as “Movember,” to raise awareness for the treatment and prevention of prostate cancer.

For the entire month of November, men participate by growing out their mustaches and beards, and women or “Mo-sisters” participate by not shaving their legs. One motivation behind the movement is to support cancer patients who lose their hair as a result of chemotherapy.

About 20 teachers at JHS, including John Day, Mike Fleming, Johnnie Hubbard, Rob Hagenbuch and Ben Kenerson, are excited to take part.

“The money raised by Movember is used to raise awareness for men’s health issues and donate to the prostate cancer foundation. They will use the funds to fund research and increase support networks for those men who suffer from prostate cancer,” said Art and Pottery teacher Brian Kovachik, who spearheads No-Shave November at JHS.

Kovachik started participating in No-Shave November eight years ago when his group of friends asked him to join the fight against cancer.

History teacher Fleming has also been participating in “Movember” for years, and has been growing out his beard every November to bring awareness to the prevention of prostate cancer. Even though Fleming is a big supporter, he admits not shaving isn’t as easy as it seems.

“I hate it. I am a ‘clean shaven’ person, so my appearance [in November] is one that lives under the bridge…but it is only a month, and it is for a great cause,” said Fleming

To support cancer treatment, donate at http://us.movember.vom/mospace/. All donations over two dollars are tax deductible.