“Wonder Woman 1984” to be released online and in theaters

“Wonder Woman 1984,” the sequel to the 2017 hit film “Wonder Woman,” will be released both in theaters and on HBO Max on Dec. 25.

The original film “Wonder Woman”, which scored 93% rotten tomatoes, ended with Steve Trevor, Wonder Woman’s love interest, seemingly sacrificing himself for the greater good. However, he will play a major role in the future sequel, “Wonder Woman: 1984,” although it is not yet known how he returns this Christmas.

The question is, what is the better viewing option for this highly anticipated sequel, online or in theaters?

Ben Levkovitz, Dreyfoos High freshman, will be watching “Wonder Woman 1984” on HBO Max instead of in the theaters.

“I don’t believe it’s safe enough to go to theaters yet,” Levkovitz said. “Theaters are too compact and people normally eat in them, meaning they will take off their masks.”

With those risks in mind, Levkovitz will be choosing the safer option, to watch “Wonder Woman: 1984” from home. Nevertheless, there are those who will be going to theaters to watch.

Parker Wagnon, a Jupiter High freshman, will be seeing the American superhero film in theaters, despite the possible risks.

“I think that as long as theaters follow proper guidelines and that the ventilation systems work properly, movie theaters are a relatively safe place to be during the time of COVID-19,” Wagnon said. “I expect that the theater will have distanced seats and that typical COVID protocols will be enforced.”

Movie theaters have put safety precautions into place to protect patrons from the spread of COVID-19, such as lowering the capacity, only allowing certain seats to be sold and wearing masks during the film except for when eating or drinking. 

Vinay Gupta, a “Wonder Woman” fan, believes in being more cautious when watching “Wonder Woman 1984.”

“Theaters present an environment with high probability of COVID transmission: enclosed, crowded and air conditioned,” Gupta said.

Given these conditions, each individual must weigh the factors of going to a theater or watching at home before ultimately making their decision.

“I recommend that unless HBO Max provides other programs for someone to enjoy, others should watch the movie in theaters,” Wagnon said.

Another question which has been brought up on the subject of “Wonder Woman 1984” has been whether or not the movie will truly make money from the simultaneous production.

“In the midst of a pandemic, simultaneous release is likely a benefit as it helps more people see it and create publicity,” Gupta said. 

Concurrent production of the film will be the best chance to make money, so anyone can watch without worrying about COVID-19. The film might also pave the way for other big movies to release online, assuming it does well.

“The production of ‘Wonder Woman 1984’ will guide other big movies on how to best produce movies during the time of COVID,” Wagnon said.

Wagnon suspects that if it is successful, other movies might follow along and make deals with streaming services.

Whether moviegoers choose to return to the theater or enjoy the comfort of their home, as long as the risk of COVID-19 is present, streaming options will provide an attractive alternative to movie-watching going forward.