Daily Announcements

THE NATIONAL ART HONOR SOCIETY is holding a virtual student art exhibit. The theme is “Hopes for the New Year”- send in any art that resembles your positive aspirations for 2022. Submissions can be on any medium, and work will be posted on the NAHS website and social media. The deadline to submit is February 7th. Applications are on the attached google form. Please see curator Spencer Sanford with any questions. Link https://forms.gle/2pPtpXDrVbCCPGtP7


INKWELL MAGAZINE would like to congratulate David Levinson on placing second out of 195 entries in the 2021 Palm Beach Poetry Competition. David, right now, all of the stars are shining for you.  We are so proud -congratulations!


FLU SHOTS TODAY The Health Hero Florida will be here Thursday morning to administer the vaccine to registered students. First hour teachers have a pass for each student to report to the Auditorium when announced that they are ready. Only students that completed the form last week may get the vaccine. Staff members that completed the form have a copy in their mailbox to take with them.


BLOOD DRIVE SHOUTOUT We collected 132 units of Whole blood and 22 platelet donations on Tuesday. We are officially the top blood donor school of 2021! With every donation having the ability to save 3 lives, that means 462 families will be celebrating this holiday season because of the generosity of our students and faculty.  That is just amazing – what an impact for our local hospitals and the blood supply. THANK YOU ALL FOR DONATING!


DRESS CODE VIOLATIONS are rising at an alarming rate. As a reminder, here is our Dress Code Policy and the consequences for noncompliance. ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE A VISIBLE STUDENT ID. All students are expected to be always in dress code.  Violations will result in lunch detentions and immediate change into appropriate clothing. PROHIBITED ITEMS ARE: Skirts, dresses, shorts and pants with tears baring skin more than four (4) inches above the knee. Pants below the hipline, or that are excessively saggy, or have excessive/tears or are torn more than 4 inches above the knee. Shirts and blouses that do not reach the waistline, have straps less than 3 inches in width or have plunging/low cut necklines or are translucent. Halter, tube tops, and off-the-shoulder shirts. Hats, bandanas or hoods (exceptions for medical or religious reasons or are being worn outside for sun protection). Attire with language or images that are crude, vulgar, profane, lewd/obscene, promotes gang affiliation,  illegal substances or could cause injury to others. Hiding dress code violations with another article of clothing is a dress code violation.


CULVER’S CALENDAR! Support Jupiter High’s FFA! Get your Culver’s Calendar today for only $5.00 in room 3-110!


SEMESTER EXAMS start tomorrow with 1st & 2nd-hour exams. All students are expected to stay in school for the entire afternoon. If you leave early, it will be an unexcused absence. Monday & Tuesday will be early release days for students. After the second exam students will have an opportunity to eat lunch prior to getting on their bus or leaving campus. Buses usually depart at 12:00. We only have 1 exam on Wednesday. Students who want to leave after that exam must have the early release form signed and turned in by Monday. Lunch will start around 10:00 for any student who does not leave after the exam. Students will remain in the cafeteria or media center until their buses or ride arrives. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GomBPiBQ0U3AZe9QbwYAO0oRPRgOPDzdwdK4OI2YLQw/edit?usp=sharing


THE FUTURE LEADERS OF THE UNITED NATIONS will have their first meeting on January 11th in Mrs. Aldrich’s room 7-206 after school. Come to become a United Nations youth member and learn more about how you can advocate on global issues. Join our google classroom with the code 42fhdj3.


SAVE THE CHILDREN Come for pizza today, (12/16) B Lunch in Rm 4-206 or Google Meet. Our goal is to spread awareness and fundraise for children who don’t have access to basic essentials. (GC Code: icgxsxd)


BEST BUDDIES meet for lunch today, December 16th in Coach D’s room, 4-217.  Bring your lunch and let’s spend time together and get ready for the holidays.


YEARBOOKS are selling quickly. Now is the time to order a 2022 yearbook for the discounted price of $85. Go to yearbookforever.com, and search “Jupiter Community High School” to buy yours today.


SENIORS PLANNING TO ATTEND PBSC Apply now to their Premier Scholarships. You must first apply to PBSC, complete the FAFSA and THEN complete the application for The Presidential, Green & Gold, or the Finish4Free program. The Deadline for these scholarships is April 15!!! https://www.palmbeachstate.edu/financialaid/scholarships.aspx


“MY MOST INFLUENTIAL TEACHER” THE FETTERMAN & ASSOCIATES SCHOLARSHIP PROJECT awards scholarships to five college bound seniors. Students are required to submit an application with an original essay entitled “My Most Influential Teacher”.  Five student winners will receive a $1,000 scholarship. Each winning student and chosen teacher will be honored at the award ceremony. Applications and essays must be received by March 15, 2022. To apply Go to https://fettermaninthecommunity.com/scholarship-application/


TENNIS If you plan on trying out for the TENNIS team, there will be a MANDATORY Meeting on January 6.  This meeting is not optional if you are going to be trying out. We will be meeting right after school in room 4-212. All paperwork must also be submitted NO LATER THAN JANUARY 6.


PROJECT GRADUATION 2022 – CHICKEN DINNER FUNDRAISER If you haven’t bought a chicken dinner yet, what are you waiting for? Purchase by cash or check dropped off to the front office or via school cash online. Order Form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s8rVpF6W-vDTdFUwX_aC7msQmRbYVlk2/view?usp=sharing


DECA is collecting non-perishable canned goods for families in need. Community service hours will be awarded for the time spent collecting your items. There are bins for drop off in front of the office, in the school store, or in room 4-106. Donations will be accepted up until winter break.


THE RONALD MCDONALD CLUB PULL TAB HOLIDAY CONTEST from your first period class. Drop off washed, bagged and labeled tabs with the number, first period teacher’s name and room on the submissions to Rm. 4-116. The class that collects the most pull tabs will get baked goods. Deadline 1/6/22.


TUTORING Get extra help with any of your classes or homework assignments by attending our ESOL tutoring offered every day after school in the media center from 2:45-4:45 pm.  Snacks will be provided and anyone who attends will be entered into a drawing for great prizes. Come check it out!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ms. Jean, Ellen Cabanas-Albor, Ilean Cabanas-Albor, Kaycee Charleston, Ryan Choe, Jesus Diaz Cota, Alex Dunn, Igor Godoy Vargas, Ryan Lazarus, Luis Merida-Guzman! HAVE A GREAT DAY WARRIORS!