Daily Announcements



PALM BEACH STATE COLLEGE FIELD TRIP Attention all students attending the field trip today: you need to be in the bus loop by 8:45 this morning.  The bus will be leaving at 9:00 sharp.  Please be on time.  If you did not turn in your TLE, you will not be permitted to board the bus.  No exceptions.



Students can access electronic course selection sheets and the curriculum guide online at https://jhs.palmbeachschools.org/students___parents/counseling___guidance/course_selection.

February 16-March 11 Window Open in SIS for Teachers Approval of Courses

February 16-March 11 Window Open in SIS for Students to select their electives

March 7-April 8 Counselors Meeting Sessions: English Classes (9th), World History Classes (10th), US History Classes (11th)


FIRST PRIORITY invites you to their next meeting on Tuesday during B lunch, in the porch area outside the art rooms to share the gospel message and to have pizza. Love to see you there.


THE CHILDHOOD CANCER SUPPORT CLUB is having their next meeting on Wed., February 23rd after school in room 7-208 or online via Google Meet.  All are welcome to hear about current community service events that all students may participate in.


SENIOR SCIENCE ENDORSEMENT In order to receive this award, seniors must have completed 5 sciences during their high school career, including biology, chemistry and physics and have maintained an unweighted GPA of 3.0 in their science courses. Please see your current science teacher, or Mrs. Mooney in room 7-107, for more information or an application, https://jhs.palmbeachschools.org/common/pages/DisplayFile.aspx?itemId=17187365.


JUPITER TRACK AND FIELD MEET is today. We need volunteers to help the meet run smoothly, please use this link to sign up https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4AAEA728AAFCC25-track or this QR code. Earn community service hours!


INTERACT CLUB Attn members! A reminder to pick up your box of chocolate if you haven’t already. This project benefits the Guatemala Tomorrow Fund. Spanish Honor Society members should also pick up a box of chocolate in P30. You will receive community service hours for your time spent.


JHS WARRIOR PHOTOGRAPHERS need your vote for the People’s Choice Award. Individuals can vote once a day until March 15th at https://zoelorenfoundationphotographycontest.us.launchpad6.com/photocontest2022/entries#!

Participating students: Yashvi Purohit, Hailey Carr, Quiara Herrera, Ava Woodward, Ava Dennison, Skylar Mcquarn, Elena Oberst, Ryan Finnegan, Avery Collada, Emma Bruk, Phildine Lebouc, Molly Walsh, Riley Drescher, Lea Abito, Diana Gordish, Dan Bonadeo, Avery Joy Plourde, Zach Thomas, Kiley Czerw, Autumn Johnstone, Melissa Hataway, Hannah Grenier, Lisette Rodea – Llamas, Nina Hughes, Gabriela Prieto, Dylan Brent.


BOYS VARSITY LACROSSE plays TONIGHT at St. John Paul II.  The JV game starts at 5pm and Varsity begins at approximately 7pm. 


SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY Members, the Induction Ceremony will be on Tuesday, March 1 2022 in the Auditorium from 6-7 PM.  New Members turn in your completed and signed Nomination forms for full acceptance into the Spanish Honor Society by today (2/17).  More information is coming about how to pay your $30 dues. We are now accepting Letters in Spanish in collaboration with Letters for Rose in P29.  You will receive 1 hour of community service for your time writing each letter.  Please follow the instructions posted in the Spanish Honor Society Google Classroom. If you are available for tutoring, please send in your time and days in which you prefer to tutor any Spanish I, II, and III. Muchas gracias!


STUDENTS INTERESTED IN LEARNING RADIO ASTRONOMY Please stop by P17 to leave your name with  Mrs. Swigert.  You do not have to be in an astronomy class to learn Pulsar Research or attend summer programs in West Virginia.


WEAR PINK TO SHOW SUPPORT FOR ANTI-BULLYING On Wednesday, February 23, Safe Schools encourages everyone to “Lift Each Other Up” to practice kindness and wear a pink shirt to symbolize that the School District of Palm Beach County will not tolerate bullying.


THE 7TH ANNUAL DANCE MARATHON is on campus February 26th from 5-10 pm.  We hope to raise $30k or more for the Children’s Miracle Network @ Shands Hospital.  We would like EVERYONE on campus to come to this event and raise money for these children. All you have to do is click on this QR code, set up a donor page and raise a minimum of $25.  That will be your ticket to the event! Come spend 5 hours with your friends having the time of your life and help these children get better!



NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY CLOTHING DRIVE All students can participate for one hour of community service for your time selecting 3 items of clothing. There is a CAP of ten hours or thirty items. Donations must be labeled with the number of clothing items, student name, and student number. Students must drop off donations to room 1-155 only! Drop off at the main office will NOT be accepted. NO socks or undergarments! Deadline is today, February 18th.


MATHEMATICS NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Pick up an application in room 6-110. Requirements: Junior or Senior currently enrolled at Jupiter High in: Pre-Calculus, AICE Math, AP Statistics, AP Calculus or dual enrolled in College Algebra or higher. Have a 3.5 GPA in all math classes and a 3.5 overall unweighted GPA. All applications are due today, February 18th.  NO EXCEPTIONS


  1. ROGERS’ UNIQUE SKILLS CLASS are collecting donations for the Chasewood Animal Hospital. You can receive one service hour for your time collecting three of these items: Cat litter, Litter boxes, Cat toys, Blankets, Towels, Sheets, Pack and play (gently used). Please bring donations to room 7-110 before Spring Break.  Prom Skit (video)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Logan Battle, Jack Dougherty, Anna George, Alicja Loszyn, Yomna Refai, Mariana Silvestre!


SENIOR Turf Photo at the end of first hour today. Wear your Class of 2022 Senior shirt for the photo and Report to the football field when the announcement is made.

Prom Ticket Contracts and Sales – Seniors with dues paid pick up a YELLOW contract from Mr. Day in 5-109 TODAY. Seniors paying their dues now may pick up a YELLOW contract and shirts from Mrs. Jeffs in 5-207 TODAY



Don’t keep the default password, change it using CTL-ALT-DEL

Stay away from easily guessed passwords like “password” or “12345678”

Use a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols if possible

Use a phrase instead of a word

Don’t ever share your student password with anyone!