Daily Announcements

OUR GIRLS BEACH VOLLEYBALL TEAM is competing in Districts on Saturday at the Benjamin School. The semifinals start at 12:00 with the championship following at 3:00. You don’t want to miss it! 


  1. K’S WEEK IN ART Please congratulate the following students selected for the PBSD Spring Art Dazzle! Morgan Quinn, Autumn Johnstone, Lindsey Hataway, Hannah Grenier, Ava Woodward, Phildine Lebouc, Diana Gordish, Calvin Trudeau, Sarah Foster, Nina Hughes, Ava Cyr. View the Gallery here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1AqvbqMeG9xWtPQUe8zgaXmQQoGpfTG4FzhdxgdTrw1s/present?slide=id.g119b01d882d_0_2


STUDENTS INTERESTED IN DUAL ENROLLMENT for summer or fall: The guidance office will be hosting a dual enrollment help session on Thursday, May 5 during lunch A and B (11:30 am -1:00 pm.) A Palm Beach State College rep will be here to help our students with the dual enrollment process. Advisement includes frequently asked questions, how to apply, uploading DE forms, and then what comes next. Signups are in guidance. Don’t miss out on this dual enrollment opportunity!


SENIORS If you are planning on attending any of the senior week activities, please pick up a permission slip and waiver form from the folders located in the bins by the Senior Showcase in the downstairs 5000 wing. These forms must be turned in when you come back for senior sign out. There will be bins available for you to place the permission slips in as you go through the Line. Remember, we must have these forms before you can come to the senior week activities. Also, don’t forget to sign up for the activities using the Senior Week QR code or by logging onto the Senior Class Google Classroom.


ATTENTION PROM-GOERS Don’t feel like keeping track of your rental tuxedo jackets and purses? The Class of 2024 will be providing a coat and bag check during the dance for $5 a person. Cash only. See you there!


ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BECOMING AN EDUCATOR in the future or supporting those interested in the education field? We are starting a JHS chapter of the Florida Future Educators of America and are building our roster now to select club officers for the fall! You must have a GPA of at least 2.5 and will be given a membership form once you join the Google classroom. There are specific requirements for induction so only those interested in actively participating please! (Google classroom code wtcsyzk).


SOCIAL STUDIES HONOR SOCIETY Class of 2022 members: if you paid for your cord on Cashless schools, please pick it up either today (4/28) during either lunch in the courtyard. 


IN HONOR OF AUTISM AWARENESS MONTH, the ASD department is asking for donations.  We are in need of the following items: Small Plushies, Pop-Its, Fidget Spinners, Lanyards, Sunglasses (for girls and boys), Headphones (for computers), Stickers (memes, etc.), Classic Board Games. You can earn hours through the time spent collecting any of these items.   The maximum community service hours you can earn is 5.  Please drop off your items in Room 4-107.  The last day to donate is Friday, May 6th.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Melissa Bash, Kelly Castillo, Marsheka Gallion, Blaize Hicks, Natalia Mateo-Juan, Ashlyn Murry, Morgan Perrone, Gavin Quick, Natasha Robinson, Natasha

Alexander Van De Voort!